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Fish Oil Fallacy:
Watch a video presentation about the fact that fish oil will hurt you, more than help you... because it puts fatty acid derivatives into your body instead of the helpful parent omega fatty acids - incredible exposé - includes scientific references!

Also, read Dr. Kondrot’s article on fish oil toxicity.

Why P.E.O.s?

Question: to where in the human body does oxygen need to go in order for humans to live and thrive? Meaning that when a person breathes, the lungs extract oxygen from the air and put the oxygen into the blood. The question is, Is that all there is to the matter of getting oxygen into the body? Does oxygen only need to go into the blood? Or does it need to travel further and go into each individual cell?

Answer: Oxygen needs to go inside each and every individual cell. Just like fuel and oxygen have to go inside an automobile engine, likewise, fuel and oxygen have to go inside each and every cell. Oxygen outside either a cell or outside a car engine are useless.

Question: since oxygen is required at the cellular level (and not only at the bloodstream level), is it possible for the flow of oxygen from one's bloodstream into the individual cells of the body to be impeded?

Answer: Yes. It is not only possible for oxygen flow to be impeded, but it is probable that oxygen transfer from blood to cell will be impeded if one's cell membranes resist the passage of oxygen. Without ensuring oxygen-friendly cellular membranes, having one's blood oxygen saturation level readings be at a high level (i.e. 98+) does not guarantee that there will be enough oxygen WITHIN one's cells to support optimum health. The cell membranes have to cooperate in the transfer of oxygen to within the cell.

Question: Why aren’t standard grocery oils safe to consume, in terms of maintaining cellular oxygen?

Answer: Standard grocery store oils are resistive to oxygen (that’s why they have long shelf-life, because they have been processed to become resistive to oxygen). A way to think about this is to envision putting a key into a keyhole and then twisting the key until the key breaks inside the keyhole. Now, try to open the door with another good key. You can’t get the key into the keyhole anymore. That’s what happens when you eat vegetable oils. They incorporate into the cell membrane which is like the keyhole and prevent oxygen from going into the cell (just like the broken key blocks a good key from going in). The consumption of standard grocery store oils will impair the functioning of your membranes in terms of oxygen transfer for up two months after consuming them. So, if you consume standard grocery store oils over long periods of time, and especially if you consume such oils after they have been cooked, you set the stage for diseases that are caused by low cellular oxygenation such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Parkinson’s’, Alzheimer’s etc.

Question: Do Parent Essential Oils have other benefits besides increased cellular oxygenation?

Answer: Yes, P.E.O.s are the proper oils for the body to use build maximally healthy cell membranes. Many health challenges are partially or more attributed to faulty membrane function. This includes Multiple Sclerosis, hardening of the arteries, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and more. Do not leave this important part of health to chance. Health is the result of many small and simple things, that together add years of life and healthy life to one’s allotment of time. One of those simple things is eating Oxygen Friendly Oils, aka Parent Essential Oils

Question: What oils make up the Brian Peskin recommended blend of oils called Parent Essential Oils?


The following cold-pressed, organic oils:

  1. Evening Primrose Oil
  2. High Linolenic Sunflower Oil
  3. Flax Oil
  4. Pumpkin Oil
  5. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  6. High Linolenic Safflower Oil

Question: Why should I consume P.E.O.s instead of fish oil, krill oil or Omega3/6 supplements?

Answer: Your body cannot use all of the Omega derivatives that are in fish juice. The excess derivatives create free radical damage and stress within the body. The body can only use a small amount of Omega fatty acid derivatives. The excess Omega derivatives become stressors and aging accelerators because they are easily turned into free radicals (because of their easily damaged double bonds) and when incorporated into our cell membranes contribute to hastened membrane peroxidation.

When you eat P.E.O.s the body will only make the small amount of derivatives it needs. There will be no excess derivatives in your body to hasten aging. This means that the rate of aging in your membranes (to which polyunsaturated fatty acids have a great affinity) will be as low, which is what you want.

Question: Since one can buy Flax oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Sunflower Oil, at the health food store and consume them in a salad dressing, why go to the trouble and expense of buying the Brian Peskin recommended blend of oils?


  1. You can, but and if you love making everything yourself that you eat as much as possible you should. But, you need to make sure that you buy the seed oils from the refrigerator section of your health food store, and in dark bottles and make sure that the oils are very fresh. Otherwise, those oils will be adulterated (changed by light and warmth into oxygen resistive oils) and can cause you harm.
  2. You need to be careful to get the blend ratio right. Brian Peskin recommends a 2.5:1 ratio of Linolenic (Parent Omega 6) to Alpha-Linolenic (Parent Omega 3) Acids. Each oil contributes its own ratio of LA to ALA.
    • If the ratio of Parent Omega oils you consume is unbalanced to the Parent Omega 3 (ALA) side, i.e. less than 2.5:1 ratio, then your body will age more rapidly than it should.
    • If the ratio is unbalanced to the Parent Omega 6 (LA) side, i.e. greater than 2.5:1 ratio, then oxygen diffusion into your cells will be less than it should.
  3. Keep in mind that the P.E.O.s blend of oils are protected from oxidation or free radical degradation (most oils oxidize rather rapidly) — the oils you buy will likely not be protected, and free radicals are a prime causing of human aging. This free radical protection is obtained by utilizing a dark colored bottle, encapsulating in soft gels (sealing them from oxygen) and mixing the oils with coconut oil. Coconut oil protects the easily damaged Parent Essential Oils from oxidation.
  4. Also, be aware that you can easily spend more money (and time) that you would imagine if you choose to blend the oils on your own than just buying the Parent Essential Oils. You may find it more troublesome and expensive to try to buy the organic, cold-pressed oils that contain Linolenic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid than you first think.
  5. Finally, not everyone likes the taste of these oils. They are different tasting than many people are used to. With the PEO softgel supplement, you don’t taste them.

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